Get on the path to results now
We provide easy access to the right documents and legal services for your business or personal goals.
Access hundreds of legal documents
Our Document Bank includes over 200 standard and specialised legal documents covering business and personal matters. Simply sign up and download the documents you need. If you can’t find what you are looking for please get in touch and we will provide a tailored service.
Get ready for our services
Find a lawyer
We are experts in connecting you with the right lawyer for your needs. We work with qualified and experienced legal professionals who can deliver the solutions you need at affordable price.
Membership plans
Our membership plans offer flexible access to expert guidance and legal documents, whenever and wherever you need them.
Download legal documents
Our Document Bank includes over 200 standard and specialised legal documents covering both business and personal matters.
Our mission
LawyerExpert is a legal data platform designed to revolutionise the way we access legal services. We were established in 2020 with the mission to make legal services accessible to individuals and SMEs who are often overwhelmed by opaque legal process and structure.
This is a smart engine that enables you to connect with and request quotes from specialist law firms and solicitors.
Our fixed price monthly membership plans provide access to hundreds of legal documents on demand, whenever and wherever you need them. They offer great flexibility and advance protection, especially for individuals, sole traders and small businesses.
Our Document Bank provides easy access to hundreds of standard and specialised legal documents covering business and personal matters. Simply sign up and download the documents you need. If you can’t find what you are looking for please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Our Partners
We partner with the best technology and law firms in the UK and abroad to ensure you have access to high quality, expert legal services. The main criteria we look for in the legal service providers we work with is integrity, competence, and shared values. We constantly expanding our global network of trusted partners, which creates the network effect necessary to maximise the value we bring to our clients. If you want to become a partner please contact us via the form on our Contact us page.
Our Team
Our founders come from a background in law and information technology with extensive experience in client relationship management across start-ups and global organisations in the UK and abroad. This creates a natural symbiosis between law and tech in our DNA, closely knit with focus on the commercial needs of our clients and partners.